It has been 77 years since Indonesia’s independence, the independence that we enjoy today cannot be separated from the services of the heroes. To commemorate his services and efforts, we need to remember the names of Indonesian heroes and the stories of their struggles in the past.

In Indonesia, there are many national heroes who have contributed greatly to the Indonesian nation. This is something that we must appreciate for their services and efforts in fighting colonialism. The title of Indonesian hero is a form of appreciation in commemorating the struggle against colonialism. In addition, the title of national hero is also intended for citizens who have built and developed the Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI).

Various efforts have been made by Indonesian National Heroes to make the country proud, as well as to encourage development in various fields. For example, Indonesian heroes in the field of education who are well known to the public today are K. H. Ahmad Dahlan, R.A. Kartini, Dewi Sartika, Rohana Kudus, and K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari.

The five heroes fought for and built the country’s education. National Education Day is also celebrated every May 2nd. Where, that date is also the birthday of the Father of National Education, Ki Hajar Dewantara.

1. K.H. Ahmad Dahlan

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Ahmad Dahlan was born on August 1, 1868, in Yogyakarta. Ahmad Dahlan is a national hero and founder of the Muhammadiyah organization. Together with Muhammad Darwis, Ahmad Dahlan founded Islamic education which is directed at noble character, religious education and striving for the betterment of society. The Muhammadiyah organization itself created Islamic religious reform in the field of education.

2. K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari

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K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari is known as the father of Indonesian education. He is an Indonesian cleric and hero who was born on February 14, 1871. He is one of the founders of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia.

K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari also cares about the education of Muslims. The Tebu Ireng Islamic Boarding School in Jombang, East Java is one of the schools founded by K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari.

3. R.A. Kartini

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Raden Ajeng Kartini was born in Jepara on April 21, 1879. Kartini was known as an emancipation figure who fought for the rights of indigenous women to get equality.

Kartini also founded a Women’s School in Rembang. This school is intended for indigenous women so that they can experience education like men.

Kartini also founded a Women’s School in Rembang. This school is intended for indigenous women so that they can experience education like men.

4. Dewi Sartika

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Dewi Sartika was born on December 4, 1884 in Cicalengka, West Java. Dewi Sartika was educated at the Wife’s School in 1904. This school teaches sewing, crochet, embroidery, cooking, babysitting, and religious lessons. Dewi Sartika is a female national hero who fights for women’s rights, especially in the field of education.

5. Rohana Kudus

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Quoting from the page, Rohana Kudus was designated a 2019 national hero. This woman who was born on December 20, 1884 in Agam, West Sumatra, cares about women’s education.

Rohana Kudus founded the Amai Setia Craft School (KAS) in Koto Gadang in 1911. This school is specifically for women who want to learn to read and write, manage finances, religious education, manners and the Dutch language.

Rohana Kudus itself is a women’s press who cares about fighting for education, like R.A. Kartini.






Writer: Abdillah Umar Hakam Alfaruq (Islamic Education’21)
Editor: Thifa Nabilla Jazaufi (Pharmacy’19)

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