Gender Equality
Source: Bobo.ID
Gender according to KBBI is sex while equality is taken from the word equivalent, the meaning of equivalent according to KBBI is equal or the same height, same level, commensurate and also balanced. However, the notion of gender equality refers to a situation in which all individuals regardless of gender have the same rights and opportunities in terms of social, political, economic, civil and cultural. It also refers to a situation where they are restricted in every way simply because of their gender.
The State of Indonesia is still a country where the approach to gender equality is still hampered, this is due to a lack of legal protection, a lack of public understanding of gender equality so that in current life there are still many problems regarding gender equality that occur. An example of cases of gender equality that we often encounter is the difference between women and men in everyday life.
This lack of understanding of gender equality is very detrimental to several parties, women are an example of victims of gender inequality. Women are considered to only be a complement to men because it is considered that they are weaker so this becomes discriminatory behavior against women such as,
- Stereotypes, negative gender labeling, for example: because a woman is gentle, she cannot be the boss in a company.
- Violence, namely physical and psychological attacks that can result in sexual harassment, threats, and coercion.
- Subordination, where one sex is considered to be in a lower position than one sex.
Therefore, to reduce gender problems, we need to provide an understanding to society, women must also have the courage to talk about equality so that they are not always oppressed because they have the right to live in dignity, free from fear, feel safe, and are free to make life choices. Gender stereotypes and prejudice must be fought because every individual has the same right to be treated fairly without discrimination. Gender equality is a very important thing because it can uphold equal rights as human beings, this also has an impact on improving the quality of life in an area both in terms of economy, social change and cultural transformation through the elimination of stereotypes and norms that limit individual roles.
Writer : Ayu Amelia Rahayu (Communication Science’21)
Editor : Salma Devy Andini (Communication Science’21)