High Schooler falls from 3rd Floor of Solo Paragon Mall, Survived by Landing on a Spring bed


Surakarta, LPM CAMPUS – On Friday (8/9), a high school student with the initials ASH (17) fell from the third floor of Solo Paragon Mall in Banjarsari District, Solo City, Central Java. Luckily, ASH survived after falling on a spring bed mattress that was on display in the atrium of the mall.

According to information obtained from Beritasatu.com, the incident occurred at around 1:30 pm. ASH, who is an 11th grade high school student from Bekasi, West Java, was walking around the mall after performing Friday prayers at the mall’s food court Prayer room at the 3rd Level Floor. Unexpectedly, ASH fell from the third floor and landed on one of the mattresses on display on the ground floor.

Banjarsari Police Chief, Kompol Pardjono, stated that after the fall, ASH was still conscious despite bleeding from the nose and feeling pain in the back. He was immediately rushed to the hospital for treatment.

According to Pardjono, ASH is known to suffer from bipolar, a mental disorder that can cause extreme mood swings. It is suspected that the incident occurred because ASH’s bipolar condition was relapsing, possibly due to late medication.

Solo Paragon Mall’s Chief Marketing Communication, Veronica Lahji, also confirmed the incident and added that ASH could still be spoken to after the incident. Veronica explained that the mall immediately contacted the victim’s family and school so that ASH could immediately get the necessary treatment.

After the incident, the mall immediately took security measures by installing a boundary line in the area where ASH fell. The police have also conducted a crime scene to investigate the incident.

Veronica also urged mall visitors to pay more attention to family members with a history of mental illness when in public places. The mall will increase security patrols to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

Based on witness testimony at the location, including one of the mattress sales, Daniel Ardianto, ASH fell with a fairly loud sound. The victim bounced before finally landing on his stomach on the mattress, and then bleeding from his nose. The victim was immediately evacuated by mall staff and taken to hospital.

ASH’s bipolar condition was also confirmed by the school and the Public Relations Officer of Solo Paragon Mall, Veronica Lahji. This incident is a reminder of the importance of paying attention to mental health and drug dependence in bipolar patients to prevent unwanted incidents.

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Writer: Safira Amelia Maharani (Accounting ’21)

Editor: Kenya Nurrin Khasanah (Civil Engineering ’21)

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