Solo International Performing Arts (SIPA) ; A Cultural Diplomacy Event


Surakarta, LPM Campus – The city of Solo is once again holding a very exciting art event. This year, Solo International Performing Arts was held again, at Pamedan Pura Mangkunegaraan and Teater Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Surakarta. SIPA was held aims of cultural diplomacy through art performances, as well as a medium for the public to recognize both local and foreign art.

SIPA held over 3 days starting from August 29-31, 2024 with the theme “Performing Royal Genesis” which means transforming several cultures into performing arts and presenting more than 300 local and international artists who came from Bali, Padang, to Australia, Japan, Taiwan, and many more.

           This year, SIPA collaborates with Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Surakarta by organizing an international conference. “In this year’s SIPA, we held a collaboration with Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) where we performed an International Conference in the big theater of ISI Surakarta.” Said Apri, one of the SIPA organizers.

In the SIPA Indonesia itself displays some interesting performances ranging from Java to outside Java “From ourselves we will display several performances, such as Semarak Candra Kirana from Bali, then Langan Praja from Mangkunegaran Solo, there are also dances from Padang, and there are also from Jogja and its surroundings.” Said Apri as the organizer of SIPA.

By holding SIPA events, many people become aware of various cultures both in Indonesia and abroad. This is good for preserving these cultures.

“This SIPA event is useful because it can be used as a place to introduce and preserve various kinds of culture and art, because indeed we can see that these things have faded in people’s lives.” Said Sukma, one of the visitors to SIPA.

           In addition to presenting various performances, this year’s SIPA also collaborates with various UMKM players in the SIPA art market with the title SIPA Urban Market. SIPA Urban Market is the latest breakthrough that is different from SIPA in previous years.

           Hopefully for the next SIPA event in the next years, there will be various kinds of innovations that are much better and also lively in introducing cultures in Indonesia and other foreign countries. Because the holding of this performance event is very beneficial for the nation’s generation. Preserving culture through a grand and lively performance event will make everyone interested in learning about the culture. This is very helpful in preserving cultures that are seen to have faded eroded by the progress of the times.

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