(Source : Safira Amelia Maharani / Accounting’21)
Surakarta, LPM Campus – The Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) 2024 which took
place for 2 days Thursday and Friday 4-5 July 2024 at the venue Edutorium KH
Ahmad Dahlan Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta organized by the Ministry
of Education and Culture Reserch Technology & Higher Education of the Republic
of Indonesia.
There are 7 divisions that become participants in the selection process this time.
Starting from the Indonesian eybiu robot, with the term harvesting which is done
by 2 different robots automatically and manually who work to put rice into the barn,
the second Sar robot human rescue mission that is able to distinguish humans or
dolls, the third soccer robot with 2 types at once, resembling humans and wheels,
the fourth robor called thematic sorting garbage with 2 conveyors, the first robot
will spill garbage with a join stick, the first robot will spill the garbage with the join
stick, the conveyor will vibrate to separate the garbage and then the second robot
will put the garbage according to the type of garbage into the box automatically, the
fifth dance robot dances a different dance every year this time the dance is from the
Bali area, entering the last 8 finals and the last one comes from Assalam, a robot
that dives into the water with a challenge like a goal and then passes through the
tank, goal 1 and 2 then the last one must bring the ball down after successfully
lowering the ball can only go up.
(Source : Safira Amelia Maharani / Accounting’21)
Muhammad Al Fatih Hendrawan as the representative of the KRI 2024 committee
said that KRI is an Indonesian robot contest organized by the ministry of education
and culture, research technology and higher education, through the Indonesian
talent development center which is formed by the Ministry of Education and
Culture to organize the Indonesian robot contest this year.
“To be honest, I was very surprised because the place is very big, a little shocked,
besides the place, the rules are also different from last year, last year there was no
checking system like this, maybe the difference is that. If it’s more exciting, yes,
this year is more exciting because it’s more festive, there are also more people.”
Said Andre one of participant from Politeknik Negri Madiun.
“The first impression is that it’s exciting because it’s my first time participating, the
message is to be more open because many people want to see the event, because
the event is good, it’s also fun because there are stands so you can watch from the
stands.” said from one of visitor.
The obstacles experienced during the implementation of the competition are also
not small, ranging from the difficulty of determining field conditions that must be
agreed upon by the jury & the entire team, electrical network disruptions that must
now be maintained and checked in detail and always be prepared for backup, always
ensuring the network is in good condition.
“Muhammadiyah will participate every year, last year there were 3 teams
participating, our robot was on the 2nd podium,” Muhammad Al Fatih Hendrawan
on Friday (5/7/2024).
Reporters :
Nada Utari Rusmanda (Dentistry’21),
Naira Afza Salsabilla (Science of Nutrition’23),
Amelia Pramais Sella (English Education’22),
Safira Amelia Maharani (Accounting’21)
Writer : Marwa Putri Sholekah (English Educatin’23)
Editor : Kenya Nurrin Khasanah (Civil Engineering’21)